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Author Teresa Lesher

Born and raised as a Christian in the United States, Teresa has spent her adult life as a Muslim in the Middle East, where she raised four children in a family-centered culture.   Although she served in many academic, research and volunteer positions, her most significant work has been in promoting cross-cultural and interfaith understanding.

"My Horse, My Teacher"

Her experience in a variety of jobs, including cook, factory line inspector, librarian and college professor, have made her appreciate the contributions that each person makes in the scheme of things.  Her travels to 20 countries have taught her that people are essentially the same wherever they live, and that no translators are needed when it comes to human emotion.  Her grown children, she says, are her favorite teachers who lovingly support her on a path toward wholeness.

Once an avid reader, especially of philosophy, psychology, religion and biography, she now focuses on an in-depth study of the Quran, which, she says, ties everything together and answers her biggest and most persistent questions about people, God and life after death.  Now retired, she enjoys a quiet life with her husband near the shore of the Arabian Gulf and a view of palm trees.